Be still

Dear Sonrise Families,

The end of the year is quickly approaching and it is always such a bittersweet time of reflection for me. Each year I sit and pray for more time. More time with my new class that has become family, more time with their parents, and more time with my previous families. It seems like just yesterday we were all meeting at flag salute for our first day of school. 

 As I write this I look out onto the faces of my sweet littles and I no longer see their baby cheeks and curious eyes, instead I see their giant smiles and confident hearts ready to take on 1st grade. As I look across at our 8th graders in the morning, I see confident young men and women who are ready to embark on their next journey into high school. 

Saying goodbye to a class I love unconditionally, to families that have become friends, and to 8th graders that I taught in Kindergarten, all come with sadness and oftentimes worry. However God has been reminding me in my prayer time to “be still” and know that God’s plans are in motion.

I am reminded that while change may be uncomfortable, sad, and even scary, we serve a God who stands with us. As I pray for stillness I am comforted, knowing that our kids are protected by the one who created them. I am thankful to be part of a family here at Sonrise who pours into the hearts of our children and gives them a firm foundation in the love of Christ, so that when they leave they can look back and know they are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

As the year closes and changes in whatever form are near, I pray that you are able to “be still” and feel the presence of God. I pray that you are reminded that here at Sonrise you are surrounded by people who love you, want to pray for you, and that we can lean on each other in moments of joy and sadness; knowing there is no better place to experience change than surrounded by love at Sonrise Christian School. 


Miss Reggio

Kindergarten Teacher