
This upcoming week, we are celebrating the Harvest season. Harvest is defined as “the season for gathering in agricultural crops.” Galatians 6:8 says, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” I do not know all your stories, but I do know that when there is genuine repentance from sin, there is a true change in the heart. When a heart chooses to follow God’s will rather than their own repeatedly, there is an eventual transformation of life. Like a good seed becoming a good crop over time, so we can become who God planned for us to be over time. 

Eight years ago, Jesus changed my life. He drew me to repentance and turned me from darkness to light; delivered me from the power of death and gave me eternal life in Him (Psalm 116). I did not grow up in a Christian home nor did I attend Christian schools, but in His perfect timing, Jesus met me at the cross. Despite my shortcomings, God had a plan and over time, made me new—a paintbrush in the ultimate Artist’s hand. Now, I get to teach and see your children grow in Christ right before my eyes. This is one of my sweetest blessings. I know that God has a wonderful plan for you and your family as well—keep sowing to the Spirit. Jesus is Lord of the Harvest and can do more than we can imagine.😊 

So, this Tuesday, Oct. 31st, we welcome you to join us in celebrating the Harvest season, not “Halloween” (Ephesians 5:8-11). This is a time to remember what God has done to redeem His creation in Christ.

-Mrs. Blanchard

Art Teacher