Sonrise students gather

Dear Families,

We are living in some pretty unusual times. It may seem that all around us are reports of illness, war, economic difficulties, natural disasters and so much more. Privately, we all may experience fear in different ways as well. Fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of rejection, or even fear of the unknown.

Before I came home to Sonrise, I lived in fear almost daily. I constantly struggled with anxiety and fear of the unknown. Before Sonrise, I worked in a highly stressful environment. My days completely drained me. I came home angry, irritable, and anxiously awaiting the struggles the next day would bring me. And on top of that, I had just spent two and a half years in a master’s program for a job that I knew deep down I did not want. Pretty soon fear consumed me. How could this happen? How could I put all my time, energy, and effort into something only for me to change my mind? Would I ever be able to work somewhere I loved? I stayed at this job longer than I should have because I feared change and the unknown. But coincidently, it was that job that led me directly to Sonrise. 

Fear convinces us to put safety and control first, and it undermines our faith and trust in God. If we are paralyzed by worries and “what ifs”, it stops us from doing the things we should do and makes us do things we shouldn’t. God has given us everything we need to fight fear. His Word is full of ‘fear not, ‘do not be afraid’. He gives us the courage and strength we need to replace our worst fears with faith. I absolutely LOVE working here and I can proudly say I am more faithful than I have ever been. It is all because I learned to let go of my worries and let the Lord guide me where I need to go. So, the next time you are struggling with fear remember ‘He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world’ (1 John 4:4). 


Tatiana Manrique 
Instructional Assistant