Dear Families,
The goodness of God is something that surrounds us each moment of every day. God’s goodness towards us is best described by Paul the Apostle in Romans 2:4 which declares the goodness of God that leads us to repentance.
I remember being invited to a church in Diamond Bar by my best friend when I was 21. I decided to go simply to get him from inviting me ever again. My plan was to go one time so that I could tell him that it wasn’t for me. A pastor began to share the Bible in a way I had never heard. The reality of my sins and the consequence of hell as the penalty for sinning against God gripped me because I was living life on the razor’s edge. The pastor said that God showed His great love for us by sending Jesus to die on the cross and then rising from the dead three days later. He added that if anyone repented of their sins and put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, they could be made right before God and be given the free gift of Heaven. It was the good news that I wanted. I had an instant desire to change the direction of my life. Instead of running from God, I ran toward Him. I got off of the throne of my heart and let Jesus sit there instead. I received Jesus Christ in my life and put my faith and trust in Him.
My newfound faith was not merely attending church or believing in some creed, but rather, it was inviting Christ Himself to take residence in my heart. God flipped a switch in my life that day as I went from darkness to light. God transformed my heart and my desires. 18 years into being a follower of Christ, my faith has navigated me through some of life’s happiest moments such as marrying my bride and witnessing the birth of my kids, to finding meaning in the midst of difficult times like more recently losing my dad. But regardless of where life has taken me, God has always been faithful. I don’t know where I’d be without my faith, but I’m thankful for the goodness of God which led me to a relationship with Him.
With Love,
Miguel Mendoza
Executive Director
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